
Tension Sensor MZB1

4 Tension ranges available
from 0 - 1000 cN up t 0 - 10 daN

Stationary electronic tension sensor for tensions of narrow, parallel running textile ribbons, films, foils etc.

Compact sensor for continuous measuring of tensions with max. roller width of 20 mm

Tension sensor for quick and easy mounting

Special Features

Small, compact housing

Tension sensor MZ1 with integrated measuring amplifier and high accuracy of 2 % FS

Typical material path – warping the 3 rollers

Various roller widths from 7 mm up to 20 mm, according to the application are available. The roller width must correspond with the width of the material to be measured

Various output signals are available:
– analog: 0 – 1 V DC (standard), 0 – 10 V DC (optional)
– digital (optional): USB, RS-232, RS-422 – see model MZB1-422
– current: 4 – 20 mA (optional)

Universal mounting possibility – easy to install, even afterwards, on existing machines:
The sensor can be mounted using the two threads at the underside of the housing body. Alternative it can be fixed on two flanges on the side of the unit.

Easy calibration to customized material by operator – zero and gain calibration is required

Measuring principle – load cell with high quality strain gauge bridge

Standard Features

Tape rollers, ball-bearing mounted

Tension sensor MZB1 with Aluminium housing

Required power supply +15…24 V DC (regulated)

Certificate of Compliance with the order 2.1 according EN 10204 is included

Optionally available: Inspection Certificate 3.1 according EN 10204 with calibration report

Lern more about the different tension measuring systems

You are not sure, which system is right for, or where the differences are? Here we explain it for you.

Available Models

ModelTension Range
Measuring Head Width*
Roller Width
MZB1-10000 – 1000 cN120 mm7, 10, 15, 20 mm
MZB1-20000 – 2000 cN120 mm7, 10, 15, 20 mm
MZB1-50000 – 5000 cN120 mm7, 10, 15, 20 mm
MZB1-10K0 – 10 daN120 mm7, 10, 15, 20 mm
Other tension ranges available on request.
Other measuring units available, such as g or kg
* SCHMIDT calibration material depending on tension range and roller width
** Outside dimensions of front plate

Important for your order:
Please specify model and roller width! Dual-flanged outer guide rollers are standard. All 3 rollers can be equipped with one flange, if the material to be measured is wider than the rollers. Please request when you order.

Calibration to customized material:

If process material differs significantly from the SCHMIDT calibration material in diameter, rigidity or shape, special calibration using customer supplied samples is recommended. For this purpose a material sample of about 5 m should be supplied.

Anzeige SC-PM und Vorverstärker SCV-1For the tension sensor MZB1 we offer different display units for one or more sensors, as well as strain gauge amplifier.

Find further information at display units and amplifier


Calibration:According to SCHMIDT factory procedure
Accuracy:±1.5 % full scale and ±1 digit % full scale or better
Other calibration material ±3 % full scale or better
Overload protection:100 % of tension range
Measuring principle:Strain gauge bridge
Measuring roller deflection:Max. 0.5 mm
Natural frequency:Approx. 500 Hz, depending on tension range
Signal processing:Analog (Option: digital)
Temperature drift:Less than ±0.05 % full scale/ºC
Output signal:Standard: 0 – 1 V DC (analog) impedance: ≥ 5 kΩ
Option: 0 – 10 V DC (analog), 4 – 20 mA DC (current)
Option digital: USB, RS-232 or RS-422
Damping (fg):Standard: 30 Hz (other values on request)
Temperature range:10 – 45 ºC
Air humidity:85 % RH, max.
Power supply:+15…24 V DC, max. 21 mA (standard output)
Code A3: 50 mA, Code 422: 50 mA, Code 232: 40 mA
Housing material:Aluminium
Dimensions:See dimensions
Weight, net (gross):Approx. 420 g (580 g)

Specifications subject to change without notice!

Guide Rollers

Roller WidthLine Speed vmax. … m/minRoller Material*
7 mm
1000Hard-coated aluminium
10 mm
1000Hard-coated aluminium
15 mm
1000Hard-coated aluminium
20 mm
1000Hard-coated aluminium

*Other roller materials (nickel-plated steel or plastic), as well as special coatings (Code CF – for carbon fibre, NA optimized,
Code KE – ceramic, Code AH – anti adhesive ) are available on request.

Standard Accessories

  1. EK0805 - USB Connecting Cable

    USB Kabel zum Verbinden des Sensors Code USB mit einem PC

    Cable for USB output to connect the tension meter to a PC.
    Cable length 3 m
    Order number: EK0805

    Only standard accessory for sensors with code USB!

Accessories (optional)

  1. SW-TI3 - Software Tension Inspect 3


    For displaying and saving readings on a PC (Win 7 and higher; 32 bit and 64 bit).
    Only for sensors with digital output signal.
    – Real-time reading
    – The readings are also shown in a X-Y- diagram (time/date-tension)
    – For data analysing the buffered diagram can be zoomed and scaled
    – Recording of the buffered readings as CSV-file (on user request)
    – Download of values to Excel
    Order number: SW-TI3

  2. E10071 - M9 Sub-Miniatur Connector

    Connector suitable for sensors MZ1, MZH and MZB1,
    cable outlet 3.5 – 5 mm
    Ordering Example: E10071

  3. E10070 - M9 Sub-Miniatur Right Angle Plug

    Plug suitable for sensors MZ1, MZH and MZB1,
    cable outlet 3.5 – 5 mm
    Ordering Example: E10070

  4. EK0620, EK0621 and EK0627 - Connecting Cable with M9 Sub-Miniatur Connector and Open Ends

    Connecting cable for an analog output.
    For connecting sensor to the display unit SC-PM.
    Order number: EK0620, Length 2 m
    Order number: EK0621, Length 5 m
    Order number: EK0627, Length 10 m

    Other cable length available on request!

  5. EK0622 and EK0623 - Connecting Cable with M9 Sub-Miniatur Right Angle Plug and Open Ends

    Connecting cable for an analog output.
    For connecting sensor to the display unit SC-PM.
    Order number: EK0622, Length 2 m
    Order number: EK0623, Length 5 m

  6. EK0624 - Connecting Cable with M9 Sub-Miniatur Connector and Diode Plug

    Connecting cable for analog output.
    For connecting the sensor to the display unit SCD-1.
    Order number: EK0624, Length 2 m

  7. EK0640 - RS-232 Connecting Cable

    Connecting cable for tension sensor FS1 with RS-232 interface – Code 232:
    This cable is needed to connect the sensor to a PC or an analog signal processing unit; AC adapter for 100 – 240 V power supply is included, 3 m long
    Order number: EK0640

  8. EK0643 - RS-232 Extension Cable


    Extension cable for RS-232 connecting cable EK0640, length 2 m
    Order number: EK0643

  9. EBG510 - USB Adapter

    USB-RS-232 Adapter

    Adapter from RS-232 to USB.
    Order number: EBG510

Output Signal

Calibration Report

Abnahmeprüfzeugnis-Inspection Certificate Hans Schmidt GmbHInspection Certificate 3.1 according DIN EN 10204
including a calibration report is optional available.


Spare Rollers

Title tape roller catalogueDownload an overview for the guide rollers.



Dimensions of tension sensor MZB1 to download.
Delivery Includes

Tension sensor MZB1 with transport packaging, operating instruction in German or English (as requested), Certificate of Compliance with the order 2.1 according EN 10204 free of charges

How To Order

To order tension sensor MZB1:

Please indicate the complete order number e. g.:

Model with tension rangeRoller width in mmCode output signal (if not standard)Complete Order No.

Instruction Manual

Download the instruction manual of tension sensor MZB1 and MZB1 with RS-232 or USB output:

If you want to get a quote or want to place an order please contact us.

+49 (0)8638 9410-0

+49 (0)8638 4825