
Tension Meter ZED

2 Tension ranges available
from 1.0 - 200.0 cN up to 1 - 500 cN

For fibres up to 200 tex bzw. Cu wire Ø 0.28 mm

Economical electronic tension meter for measuring low tensions of fibres, threads and fine wires

Tension meter with large guide rollers groove Ø 12 mm

Universal tension meter with digital display for exact measurements

CE mark

Special Features

Tension meter ZED with coloured, backlighted TFT display

3 different display modes
– numeric
– numeric with live bargraph
– numeric with graph (time-tension)

The display rotates in 90° steps for better reading

Automatic “Zero-Setting” in each measuring position using a special sensor technique

Selectable units of measurement: cN, g, N and lb

Very high data sampling rate (internal 1 kHz)

Storage of MIN, MAX, last reading, average and standard deviation per measuring interval

User-set MIN and MAX alarms with indication in the TFT display if reading is out of limits

Adjustable electronic damping for better reading when tension fluctuates

3 separate calibration material memory locations for custom calibrations

Menu set-up in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French language

Simple, trouble free operation

Filament guide and unique roller shifting mechanism ensure easy acquisition of the running material

Light weight hand-held unit

Standard Features

Everything in operator’s view:
– the guide rollers
– the measuring material
– the readings

Ball-bearing mounted, V-grooved guide rollers

Tension meter with high-strength plastic housing

LiPo accumulator (approx. 25 hours continuous operation) with AC adapter

CE approved (tested for electromagnetic compatibility)

Certificate of Compliance with the order 2.1 according EN 10204 is included

Optionally available: Inspection Certificate 3.1 according EN 10204 with calibration report

Available Models

ModelMeasuring Range
ResolutionMeasuring Head Width*
SCHMIDT Calibration Material**
ZED-2001.0 – 200.0 cN0.1 cN63 mmPA: 0.20 mm Ø
ZED-5001 – 500 cN1 cN63 mmPA: 0.20 mm Ø
Other units of measure are available, such as g.
*  Width of filament guide
** Suitable for 95 % of applications – PA = Polyamide Monofilament

Calibration to customized material:

If process material differs significantly from the SCHMIDT calibration material in diameter, rigidity or shape, special calibration using customer supplied samples is recommended. For this purpose a material sample of about 5 m should be supplied.

Tension meter ZEDTension Meter ZED can be reconverted for special applications.

Find further information at special design


Calibration:According to SCHMIDT factory procedure
Accuracy:±1 % full scale ±1 digit or better
typical ±0.5 % full scale
Measuring Units:cN, g, N or lb, switchable
Overrange:Approx. 10 % full scale, without accuracy guarantee
Overload protection:200 % full scale
Measuring principle:Strain gauge bridge
Measuring roller deflection:Max. 0.5 mm
Signal processing:Digital
Damping:Adjustable electronic damping, averaging
Sampling rate internal:Approx. 1 kHz
Sampling rate:250 Hz (250 readings/sec)
Display:Colour-TFT 128 x 160
3 different displays:Numeric
Numeric with live bargraph
Numeric with graph (time-tension)
Display update rate:2 times per second
Memory:Last, AVG, MIN, MAX, STD Dev
Auto power off:After 3 minutes of non-use
Temperature range:10 – 45 ºC
Air humidity:85 % RH, max.
Power supply:LiPo accumulator (approx. 25 h continuous use, charging time approx. 3.5 h),
USB AC adapter 100 – 240 V AC with 4 adapters (EU/USA/UK/AUS-NZ)
Housing material:Plastic (POM)
Dimension:See dimensions
Weight, net (gross):Approx. 200 g (600 g)

Specifications subject to change without notice!

Guide Rollers

Order-CodeLine Speed vmax. … m/minRoller Material
Standard2000Hard-coated aluminium
Code K3500Hard-coated aluminium
Code H5000Plasma-coated aluminium
Code T1000Plastic (POM) black
Code W1000Nickel-plated steel
Code CE21000Aluminium ceramic-coated

Wire EDM Info

titel page of info sheet for wire EDMHere you get more information about wire EDM tension meters .
Standard Accessories

  1. K50202 - USB AC Adapter

    USB Steckernetzteil mit LadekabelUSB AC adapter with 4 adapters (EU/USA/UK/AUS-NZ) for 100 – 240 V AC and charging cable for loading the accumulator
    Order number: K50202

Calibration Report

Abnahmeprüfzeugnis-Inspection Certificate Hans Schmidt GmbHInspection Certificate 3.1 according DIN EN 10204
including a calibration report is optional available


Spare Rollers

Title guide roller catalogueDownload an overview of all guide rollers.



Dimensions of tension meter ZED to download.
Delivery Includes

Scope of delivery tension meter ZEDTension meter ZED with carrying case, USB AC adapter with 4 adapters (EU/USA/UK/AUS-NZ), operating instruction in German or English (as requested), Certificate of Compliance with the order 2.1 according EN 10204 free of charge

How To Order

To order tension meter ZED:

Please indicate the complete order number, e. g.:

Model with tension rangeCode guide rollers (if not standard)Complete Order No.

Instruction Manual

Download the instruction manual of the tension meter ZED:

If you want to get a quote or want to place an order please contact us.

+49 (0)8638 9410-0

+49 (0)8638 4825